Only superheroes can do this!

Dirty crypto is everywhere, stay ahead of scammers.

Dirty crypto is everywhere, stay ahead of scammers.

Wallet Checker is a quick and easy way to find out what's on your wallet.

What should I do?

Check wallets and transactions, spot bad guys, keep them from stealing your crypto.

You're like James Bond, only cooler 😎

What should I do?

Why do I need this?

To avoid questions from inspecting authorities and problems with scammers. Everything is clean and safe!

Why do I need this?

What's the price?

Rates for every wallet. Choose the right one and let's check it out. 🚀

Starts from

$1/ per check
+1 check for free
What's the price?

Why Wallet Checker ?

Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •
Low Risk • Risk Score 17% •
Medium Risk • Risk Score 43% •
High Risk • Risk Score 97% •

Start using
Wallet Checker today.

Frequently asked questions

What do you mean by “dirty” crypto?
This is crypto that has been used in suspicious activities, such as buying something from the Darknet, or for gambling, or in other illegal activities. Every wallet that stores such money will be considered “dirty”. Yes, even if you are a law-abiding person who buys a few “suspicious” Bitcoins.
How does Wallet Checker work?
We protect your assets by checking any potential transactions. Insert the wallet’s address into the app, and our tool will quickly investigate its history. Wait for 2-10 seconds and get a risk score for this wallet. After this, it’s all up to you. You can take the “dirty” money and your account will be marked as suspicious, or you can take money from another wallet and be safe about your reputation.
What is the benefit of using this service?
You prevent marking your wallet as “suspicious”, so more people and services will be willing to interact with you. You lower your chances of becoming part of a criminal conspiracy and getting scammed by hackers. Let’s get things straight - if you take in any “dirty” money, the scammers will know that you are more likely to be at risk, so they will have more incentive to resort to some phishing techniques to scam you in the future.

But if you use Wallet Checker, you will not be subject to such risks, allowing you to spend your money as you see fit without the fear of being scammed.
What are the risks of having “dirty” crypto in my wallet?
Your account can be blocked. If there is a minor violation it can be banned from certain services. But if your account is associated with those who have major violations like scams, using crypto in Darknet, or in mixers, your wallet could be permanently banned. You will lose access to all money in this wallet.

The easiest way to avoid suspicious crypto is to check every transaction. Or use the services of a built-in “dirty-money checker”. But even today, very few services have a built-in checker, so it will be easier to check every possible transaction.
What will happen to my crypto if the Wallet Checker determines that it is “dirty”?
It will be a lot harder to exchange it, because nobody wants to deal with “dirty” money. And if you have accidentally become part of a big scam or money laundering operation, your wallet will be sanctioned.

That means you can’t use it in the most popular services, because they could be fined and banned just for working with sanctioned wallets. And nobody wants to get a lawsuit against them. So, they just will not allow you to use their services.
Can I cross-check crypto using Wallet Checker before I buy the assets?
Yes, you can. It will help you avoid getting into the nets of suspicious operations. It would be perfect if you stick to this algorithm - check the service, check the wallet, and conduct all operations from services with good reputations.

Our tool helps you check both services and wallets. It will save you time, so you can spend it on something more productive.
Can Wallet Checker be used to verify projects for scams?
Yes, because our tool analyzes the history of all addresses associated with the audited one. So, if there are a lot of related wallets involved in some scam activity, our tool will mark them in the report. You will therefore realize that this is a suspicious service with a lot of “dirty” money.

All you need to do is copy the details of the wallet used by this service and paste it into the app. That’s it! You will get a full report in less than 10 seconds.
Is your solution adaptable to business needs, or is it for private use?
It works in both cases. You can use the app if you are a private user. If you want to integrate our tool into your business, please write us at Describe our service and we will gladly share the API you can integrate and use in dealing with your clients.
Can I check the crypto stored on a cold wallet?
Yes, we check any type of wallet. All you need is to paste its address into the app.